ACCREDITATIONS (alfabetical order)


ATEC - Training Academy (P)

Consultant for Training, Workshop Facilitation, Mediation, Intercultural Competence/Sensibilization and Knowledge-Transfer

CEDR - Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (UK)

Commercial Mediator


Certified Mediator according to §5/6 of the German Law for Mediation (26.07.2012) - Deutsches Mediationsgesetz (D)


Commission of the European Union (B)

EU-Expert (Reviewer)

FP7: Topic Community Based Management of Environmental Challenges

H2020: SwafS Calls


Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua de Professores (P)

Trainer in the fields of Geography, Mediation of Conflicts and Public Participation


Evangelische Fachhochschule Freiburg (D)

Supervision of Internships

FernUniversität Hagen (D)

Member of the Scientific Commission – Counsel of Exams of the Law Faculty of the FernUniversität Hagen; Supervision and Evaluation of Master Theses


ICFML – Instituto de Certificação e Formação de Mediadores Lusófonos (P)

Mediator – Focus: Commercial and Organizational Conflicts


IMAR - Instituto do Mar (P)



IMI – International Mediation Institute (NL)

Mediator – Focus: Commercial and Organizational Conflicts


Ministério de Justiça - Gabinete de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios (P)

Conflict Mediator for the Public System of Mediation (Magistral Courts - Julgados de Paz de Cascais, Odivelas, Lisboa, Seixal e Sintra)

Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social – Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (P)

National Certificate of Professional Competence as a Trainer - Certificado de Aptidão Profissional - CAP