

Born in Oberstdorf, Germany, I took the European Master in Mediation (2000) at the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (Sion, Switzerland) in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, having previously graduated in Physical Geography (specialization: meteorology, pedology) from the University of Munich (1989).


Since 1991 I have worked as a consultant for the Department of Science and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology of UNL, in particular conducting participatory workshops (around 300 workshops coordinated and run throughout Portugal).


Since 2001 my main areas of work focus on consensus building and conflict management in complex planning and decision making processes (public services, universities and research centres, educational institutions, enterprises and organizations), facilitation and moderation of meetings and conferences, public participation processes, education and training (interactive methods in planning, facilitation techniques, conflict management, general mediation and complex multiparty mediation).


In other contexts I have worked as a mediator for more than 15 years, specializing in multi-stakeholder conflicts, preventive mediation in school contexts (e.g. mediation in the process of developing a new curriculum and school program of the German School of Lisbon), community (e.g. the project "Critical Neighbourhoods - Cova da Moura") and business mediation (in collaboration with the ATEC Training Academy) Furthermore I develop and coordinate seminars targeting a better Luso-German intercultural integration.


Professional Accreditations (click here for more)

·      CEDR (Center for Effective Dispute Resolution - UK)

·      ICFML (Instituto de Certificação e Formação de Mediadores Lusófonos - P)

·      IMI (International Mediation Institute - NL)

·      Ministry of Justice of Portugal – Mediator at the Magisterial Courts

       (Julgados de Paz) of Cascais, Lisbon Odivelas, Seixal and Sintra

.      Certified Mediator (D) according to § 5 / 6 of the German Law of Mediation


I work and teach in English, Portuguese, German, Spanish and French