Since 2012     MEDIATEDOMAIN, Lda., NIF 510 114 440




Since 2011     Transparência e Integridade Associação Cívica (P)

                      (Portuguese Chapter of Transparency International)

Since 2010     Instituto do Mar-Centro do Mar e Ambiente – IMAR-CMA (P)


Since 2009     Fernuniversität in Hagen - Master in Mediation (D)

                      Member of the Scientific Counsel and Examiners’ Board

Since 2007     EMNI – European Mediation Network Initiative (UE)

                      Member of the Board, Representing Portugal 

Since 1996     WTeamUp - Participação e Empowerment (P)

                      Operational Coordinator of the Research-Action Group

                      also on Facebook: Teamup Wteamup



Since 2013     FNMC - Federação Nacional de Mediação de Conflito (P)

Since 2012     IMI – International Mediation Institute (NL)

Since 2012     ICFML - Instituto de Certificação e Formação de Mediadores 

                      Lusófonos (P)

Since 2012     LPN – Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (P) – member nº 8665

Since 2011     European Suiseki Association (D)

Since 2010     Portuguese Association of Geographers (P) - member nº 1047

Since 2010     Manager of the Transpyrenean Sub-Group of ICR


Since 2002     Associação de Mediadores de Conflitos (P)

Since 1997     DGVA (German Association of Applied Geography) (D)

Since 1995     Network Eco-Councillors Europe (A)

                       Representing Portugal, observer

2005 2013   MEDIARCOM–European Association for Mediation (P)

                       Founding Member

1990 – 2001   Liga dos Amigos do Museu Nacional de História Natural (P)

1992 – 2001   ITVA-Association of Engineers for Derelict Land + Polluted Soils (D)

1996 – 2001   Rotary Club of Lisbon (P)

1986 – 1995   Workgroup Sea and Coast (D)

1985 – 2000   DEUQUA-Workgroup for Quaternary Studies (D)

1983 – 1989   Munich Geographical Society (D)



Since 2006     Prädikantin of the German Protestant Church of Lisbon

Since 1994     Administrator of the German Cemetery in Lisbon

Since 1993     Member of the Board: German Protestant Church of Lisbon


Regular Networking – Collaboration Partners



AMC - Associação de Mediadores de Conflitos

The Association of Conflict Mediators (AMC) is a nonprofit association of private and public interest. Created in September 2002, AMC's main objective is to disseminate and encourage the use of means of Alternative Dispute Resolution in general - and in particular the promotion of Mediation

(Copyright of the Portuguese Text: AMC – Translation Ursula Caser)


CIVITAS - Centro de Estudos sobre Cidades e Vilas Sustentáveis - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

CIVITAS has collaborated for a lot of years at various levels with local authorities who are at the forefront on sustainable urban development. The main objectives of CIVITAS are to promote a Portuguese Network of Sustainable Cities & Towns Network (CIVITAS) and to support the exchange of experiences between these and other cities on a national and international level. Furthermore CIVITAS intends to provide a forum for Portuguese municipalities, trainings, reflection and dissemination of information in order to permit mutual education between the various actors that are interested in sustainable urban development, or affected by municipal planning decisions.

(Copyright of the Portuguese Text: CIVITAS21 – Translation Ursula Caser)


ICFML – Instituto de Certificação e Formação de Mediadores Lusófonos

The ICFML is a nonprofit association formed by a group of academics, lawyers and mediators, who believe in the development of conflict mediation, as a viable alternative to court. Litigation is not able to ensure speed, adequacy and predictability of the outcome, claimed especially in the resolution of conflicts concerning contractual relations. The ICFML is innovative, promoting an international certification of mediators in Portuguese, regardless of mediation school or methodology, giving priority to the development of professional skills.

The ICFML is the only Portuguese institution accredited by IMI - International Mediation Institute, meeting the criteria defined by this institution in the qualification and experience of accredited mediators. This accreditation is recognized internationally as a synonym for high level of competence of mediators. The ICFML is furthermore innovative in the sense of giving access to Portuguese mediators to an international certification using the Portuguese language .

(Copyright of the Portuguese Text: ICFML – Translation Ursula Caser)


Um dia por Lisboa

Lisbon is living a time of crossroads. We all feel how the distance between the political spheres and the citizens have grown significantly. We all feel, too, that – on the contrary – citizenship should come much closer to policy. It was this objective and in this sense that "One Day for Lisbon" has organized civic marathons since June 2007. Each event has enjoyed the presence of hundreds of Lisbon residents who expressed their desires and understandings, mainly about the future of Lisbon. The "One Day for Lisbon" initiative is intended to provoke open discussions, demystifying and - above all – motivating our empowerment and participation, reflecting our important status as citizens. We promote sporadically different initiatives, being aware that the task of citizens as well as their right and responsibility is to think and act on behalf of our city.

(Copyright of the Portuguese Text: Um dia por Lisboa – Translation Ursula Caser)


WTeamUp – Participação e Empowerment

WTeamUp is a research group concerned and specialized in structuring and managing interactive participatory processes, in the field of environmental planning, management and research, with innovative techniques for public participation and consensus building. The mission of WTeamUp is to build knowledge over decision-making processes, identifying the key-issues involved. The team seeks to enhance dialogue conditions among stakeholders who have a direct or indirect interest in the resolution of a complex and controversial environmental problem. We look for a public participation process that goes over and beyond the emotional and populist situations and promote a dialogue that is clear, respectful, open, constructive, creative and innovative;

(Copyright of the English Text: WTeamUp)




Professional Social Virtual Networks (find us, searching: Ursula Caser)

®LinkedIn      Facebook   


ALTER (Spain)

ALTER Integrated Mediation Services comprises fully trained mediators with wide experience in resolving conflicts in personal, organizational business and institutional areas. ALTER offers direct intervention in resolving personal or family conflicts, as well as direct intervention in internal conflicts within or amongst public institutions, organizations or companies. ALTER assists or supports in in preparing consensus (family protocols, projects, agreements) and works in the fields of Assessment and Consulting (Diagnostic and Analysis of Conflicts), support in negotiation processes, Design and implementation of mediation services. ALTER also designs and implements tailor-made trainings in mediation and conflict management for organizations and companies and organizes courses, workshops and seminars on conflict awareness and avoidance.

(Copyright of the Catalan Text: ALTER – Translation Ursula Caser)


DVAG - German Association for Applied Geography (Germany)

DVAG represents the interests of the Applied Geography. The focus is on those geographers and students who work outside schools and universities. DVAG focuses on the dissemination of the findings of applied geography to a larger public and contributes to education and training. DVAG is committed to help geography and geographers to find its place and to promote the roll, it should play in solving the many problems our society

(Copyright of the German Text: DVAG – Translation Ursula Caser)


EMNI – European Mediation Network Initiative (European Union)

A network for networks. On September 29, 2007, the European Mediation Network Initiative was inaugurated in Vienna, Austria by 60 organizations. 20 members from as many European countries were elected as the first board of EMNI EMNI is a network for networks, organizations and institutions, trying to fulfill needs not covered by other mediation organizations

(Copyright of the English Text: EMNI)


Groupment ProMediation (CH)

The Groupement Pro Médiation (GPM) is an association that aims to promote mediation in western Switzerland. The “Groupement Pro Médiation Geneva” (GPM-GE) is designed to promote mediation at a cantonal level. GPM-GE regularly organizes conferences on mediation and participates in public debate. GPM-GE promotes the awareness for mediation, initiates those interested in the mediation process and identifies situations that could be mediated. consists of six professional mediators with various backgrounds with a common working basis: mediation, this means to work towards the interaction and to encourage the development of solutions by the parties themselves

(Copyright of the French Text: GPM-GE/ – Translation Ursula Caser)


The Scientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law (Fed. Rus.)

The autonomous Non-Profit-Organization «Scientific and methodological Center for Mediation and Law» was established for the purpose of developing and promoting mediation, and of its integration into the Russian legislation as efficient Alternative Dispute Resolution method and covers the following fields of activities: Scientific, methodological and analytical work related to mediation; Promotion of mediation-related knowledge; Carrying out conferences on mediation; Education and  Certification of mediators; Conducting a certified mediators Register; Providing mediation services for individuals and enterprises of different trades; Elaborating conduct standards for mediators; Publishing and preparation of special training courses on mediation; Holding of courses, trainings and workshops, as well as performing of activities related to practical application of psychological and psychotherapeutic methods including education on methods for self-development trainings

(Copyright of the English Text: The Scientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law)